Because educator wellness matters.
of teachers say the ability to positively affect students is a top reason to stay in the profession.
of teachers reported having access to at least one type of well-being or mental health support in 2023.
of teachers said they were likely to leave their job due to poor well-being.

Style Guide
Defining Educator Wellness
School employees encompass a diverse set of positions, including classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, and school health professionals, as well as maintenance, food service, and transportation professionals.
Regardless of position, school employee wellness is a multi-dimensional state of well-being that goes beyond mental and physical health to include factors such as meaningful work, a sense of belonging, positive relationships, and economic stability.
At its core, employee wellness is driven by a sense of agency and empowerment: Efforts to improve wellness are most effective when employees have a voice in deciding what happens to them at work and can access the skills and resources to act on those decisions.

of teachers say the working environment at their school is positive.
of teachers agree that they have input on important decisions made at their school.
RIDE Resources
BRIDGE-RI includes courses that lay a foundation of the tiered public health framework of MTSS and SEL as well as trauma and building relationships.
Whole School Whole Community Whole Child Model was developed by ASCD and the CDC to identify systems in districts and schools to support student and staff wellness.
School Mental Wellness Resources are posted on the RIDE website. This includes current Mental Health Initiatives as well as Resources for Educators, Administrators, School MH Professionals, Parents, Caregivers and Students. RIDE has an SEL listserv for news and blasts related to Social Emotional Learning happenings around the state. RIDE’s Health Team sends out quarterly updates to Project AWARE, School Climate Transformation, and School Based Mental Health grantees.
Project AWARE aims to increase awareness of mental health issues among Rhode Island's school-aged children. They provide training to educators so they can deal effectively with mental health problems and help connect students and their families with mental health services they need.
Through a partnership with Yale University, RIDE began offering this course in 2020. There are 8 modules that take between 8-10 hours to complete. A certificate from Yale, worth $49, is available to all participants who successfully complete the course.
PURE Edge began partnering with RIDE when the state took over the Providence Public School District in 2019. Pure Edge provides professional development and self-care strategies via adult Brain Breaks, trainings, and webinars. Pure Edge offers ongoing support for our partner districts and organizations. RIDE has continued this partnership and is currently exploring opportunities to share this resource statewide in RI.